Dogpacking: The Canine Obesity Epidemic

by | Jun 7, 2024 | Blog

We teamed up with once again, this time to address a heavy – pun intended – but important topic: the prevalence and consequences of obesity in dogs. The silver lining is that obesity is both treatable and preventable – that’s what Graham Mobile Veterinary Weight Management Services is all about – and the more we talk about the elephant in the room, the bigger the impact we can have on addressing the epidemic we are currently facing in our dog population.

It’s not all about dogs. Their feline companions are facing the same problems and most of the content in this blog is applicable to cats too.

Want to know more? Take a look at our blog, Too Much of a Good Thing? The Nationwide Dog Obesity Epidemic, on! While you’re there, subscribe to their newsletter and give them a follow on their Instagram channel 😉


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